Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Part 1

"Don't call him that, he's just over-protective. He knows we've been best friends since first grade. I just don't understand why he would think I'm cheating on him with you," she handed him a glass.

"And, I don't think I'll be dating a girl anytime soon." It had been five years since he had come out with his homosexuality. Having a gay best friend wasn't bad in any way. In fact, it made then all the more closer.

Hayley stayed silent. The kitchen door opened and Ryan stepped out. Anger was written on his boyish face. Jason stepped forward, dishcloth still in hand.

"It's not what you think! We're not washing dishes, we're having sex," he spoke in a sarcastic tone Hayley heard when he spoke to straight girls hitting on his boyfriends.

"Get out of my house."

"Dude, stop being such an ass. You know I'm gay, and Hayley is no guy. Why would I hit on her now when I've known her for more than 10 years, right when she's engaged to you."'

"Hayley get him out."

"Ryan you're being unreasonable. He's my best friend."

"The best friend you're sleeping with. Get him out." Her eyes decreased into slits.

"Don't insult me like that, Ryan," she threw the dishcloth and glass into the sink, took off her gloves, and walked out, eyes welling up with tears. Jason went after her, pressing his dishcloth to Ryan's chest on the way out.

He stared at the pair of them heading out the front door, his hand still holding the rag to his chest. Why did he even think that she was cheating on him? Was it because Mark had just lost his girlfriend to his brother, and found out that the pair had been sleeping together. Now what was he supposed to do? He could not bear to hurt Hayley any longer, and yet seeing them together was so frightening.

Ryan went to the sink and stared at the glass Hayley had been drying, he took it and continued with her work.

Part 2

Ryan sat down on the couch and casually flicked in the television, flitting in between channels, but not really concentrating. It was playing the music video of one of Hayley's favourite love songs. He sat there as though in suspended animation, every guitar strum and drum bear resonating in his mind. The front door opened and Hayley stepped in herself, red-eyed and delicate.

She ascentded the steps without looking at him. Ryan stared at her. The television suddenly blasted a punk rock song, and he switched it off.

"Are you leaving?" he asked, leaning on the doorframa and looking at his girlfriends packing her belongings into a large suitcare. She glared at him for a moment and returned to folding on of her band T-Shirts with a vengence that suggested that each on of them had done her a personal wrong.

"Back to my mother's place. Don't worry, I won't sleep with her."

"Hayley, could we talk?"

"I think we've talked enough. I'm not stupid, Ryan. I won't stand here and listen to you throwing insults at me."

"I won't hurl insults at you. please, just let me tell you what happened." She shut the suitcase, zipped it, and turned to face him, arms folded.

"Mark's girlfriend left him because she was sleeping with his brother. I did'nt want the sae thing to happen to us."

"You don't even trust me to be faithful to you. Tell me, why would I cheat on you, with a gay guy?"

"Nothing. I was just..paranoid. Please, Hayley."

Her expression softened at his sincere face. Giving him a chance would not hurt as much as it would if they seperated.

"Okay," she reached out for his hand, and kissed him.

"I'll help you unpack. You go rest for a while," he said, stroking her hair.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Chapter 3

"I have returned from the Wizard's Tower, and Alferdo has given me his security charms. We are safe from now on."

"Is about time now. They stole half me earnings of apple! Where do we go now for cider.."

"No cider this season? That's just nice. Give it here Barney," said the head dwarf, and he plopped down on a tree stump. He opened the book in the middle and flipped it, page after page, before letting out a cry of triumphant joy.

"Aha, I found it. We must gather in a circle, and someone fetch my my staff."

The staff was fetched, and a small ring was made. The Head Dwarf marked an X in the centre of the middle and waved his staff in the direction of the sun, mumbling some words. A pot of gold appeared in the middle.

"Gold!" cried Jacob, the miser of the lot.

"Blessed gold!" said the Head Dwarf. he threw his staff into the pot and a great mirror appeared facing the side of the sun and back facing the Dwarf Village. The gnomes only came from that part of the forest so whenever came close to the spot the Dwarf Village was, they would only see a reflection of the trees behind the. They could not see themselves as all magical creatures did not have reflections so they thought the picture on the mirror was part of the forest and nothing else, so the Dwarves were safe.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The More That You Fear Us The Bigger We Get
Chapter 3

"Shut it, SHUT IT. FUCK"

Jianne threw the mouse onto the hard marble tabletop. The virus had corrupted the computer hardware, and they could not shut them down anymore. In union, the screens changed. Explorer windows were opened, one after the other, and the employees stared as all the military secrets of the U.S went flashing on the screens.

Meanwhile, Chief Alan Russel was emptying the company safes, retrieving the passwords on tiny chips embedded in the velvet coverings. He opened his iMac and logged out of the EXODUS network, before impatiently stuffing the chip into the side. The door opened, and Lieutenant Sawyer walked in.

"Where are the passwords?"

"You have no right to come in here and speak to me like that. I am the chief and you will respect me," Russel shouted. Sawyer shouted back.

"Where are the password, sir!"

"Don't forget that it was me who got you this job. I can get it back just as fast. Now, repeat the question please, Mr Sawyer."

He had no time for this. It was now or never. Russel wanted fame, to be, a "War Hero", to move up the ranks. Sawyer had never cared about anything except himself. It was about time he did something for the his country. He shoved his Superior to the ground and grabbed the passwords.
"Hayley, could I tell you something?"

Ryan looked at the eyes of this amazing girl in front of him. The best thing that had happened to him and the only reason why he woke up in the morning and went to sleep at night. He knew she liked him, so why was this so hard? Just three words, 'I', 'Love', and 'You'. And maybe he would add a 'Hayley' at the back so it became 'I love you, Hayley'. No, too cheesy. Jeez.


She was staring at him now. He mentally slapped himself for not combing his hair well that morning. Just do it, you're going to do it anyway, so do it now. Do what? I forgot what I was going to tell her. Oh yeah, 'I love you'. Or was it 'I love you, Hayley'. Me stared at my hands.

"I love..er.."

Now she was smiling. Was she taunting him? He didn't dare look at her anymore.

"Ryan, do you love me?"

"What? Huh?"

"Do you love me?"

"I think so..." Ryan thought he was a dumbass, couldn't he give a better reply?

"I really think so...." What an improvement. But Hayley hugged him anyway.

"Then I love you too, dumbass". She called him a dumbass, but she said she loved him too. And she had given him a hug. Ryan loved her hugs, warm, but not too friendly, always loving. He hugged her back.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Earth-Chapter 2

"Sir, we have company." Alferdo turned to see his messenger at the doorway. He was on his way out, holding a staff and already wearing a jet-black coat over his equally-dark priest gown, both proving excellent contrasts to his silver long hair and beard. The days were cold, but the nights were colder, and the evenings neither were of a comfortable warm. Alferdo took one last glance at the iron-grey skies and followed his messenger out.

"Who is it, Matthew?" he asked in his wizened old voice.

"It's more a question of 'What',sir. I have seen such a creature only in the thousand and two books in our library."

"Well then I ought to be quite intrigued."

They walked, until they reached the south wing, where the"Odd Creature" had taken it's seat in an armchair. Alferdo smiled in good humor, it was a dwarf. And by right Matthew would not have heard of it. Such reserved creatures dwarfs were.

"What a pleasant surprise, Barney," he said. Barney smiled back. Small, even by the measures of dwarfs, he was about three-halves of a foot tall, and made the armchair he was sitting in, the smallest in the room, seem huge.

"The reawakening of beasts has been unhappy on us dwarfs. Annoying are 'Specially the gnomes. Keeps stealing our vegetables. We tried stealing back, but it be of no use, since they didn't have much."

"Alas, even the best of friends argue. If you want to borrow my security charms I will understand," said Alferdo, both amused and concerned.

"Just what I came to ask for", and the gnome laid his glassy, twinkling eyes on the nearest bookshelf. Alferdo stood up, tall and ancient, and picked out a deep maroon leather-bound book, which he handed to the gnome

"Don't want to hinder travelling," and a second later, he was not there anymore. Alferdo sighed, and looked out of the window again. The bright white Pegasuses had come out to graze, and a second later, he was gone as well.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Getting by,to set the fire
Turning to god, by the hour
Heading back, the house wasn't ours
Filial vows, with the night-time prowler

Midnight comes, the roses wither
Alaxandria rose, with a gentle titter
She closed the windows, and laid her sister's
Ashes beside the withered roses

The windows fly open, and hit the urn
Alexandria heard the bang, and she turned
To see her sister, in peices around the room
Because the urn did not hold her ashes
It held what she held, in her womb

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The more that you fear us the bigger we get

Chapter 1

The servers were crashing. EXODUS, the intranet that laid the foundation for the United States government was under attack by an artificial intelligence. The source of the failures and shutting down of servers was unknown, and had not been seen by the American Government before.

Leiuntenent John Sawyer rushed around the facility, answering calls, after calls, after calls. His assistant ran to his side as he prepared to enter the meeting room, and delivered to him the news of the last five hours on a piece of paper.

"The virus has attacked the password-protected networks. CREW-94 has terminated itself. All programs created and opened by after the 10th of June is lost," he said breathlessly. The Leiuntenent slowed his pace, and stopped walking altogether.

"Stop all downloads and uploads. Set the firewalls up, and block any outside communication. phone lines, Internet cables, all of them. I don't want a single information transfer on this network."

"But sir, the president is expecting a call from the U.N." Sawyer grabbed the front collar of his assistant's coat with rage.

"This network holds all of the American Government's secrets. Damn to hell the bastard who created this virus. If this network goes down, America goes down," and he released the young man from his pincer-like grip, before stalking off into the meeting room. Assistant Mark Andrews smoothed his coat down and flattened his hair, before heading the other way.

Chapter 2

"Alright men, here's the bitch. An unknown virus, SYSTEM, has corrupted our network. All servers are to be shut down, and all transfers terminated. We have only 2 hours before SYSTEM unleashes it's full potential. All multiple-password protected networks need at least 30 minutes beforehand notion."

"There are twenty networks that make up EXODUS. Seven contain nuclear secrets developed by our Govenments Labs. Those seven should be shut down first. The last thing we want, is for anyone outside the Government to get hold of them," Hayley said, the quickest one of all of them.

"You are dismissed, lets get the ball rolling, and fast. See you all at 7.08 pm," ordered Sawyer, and watched as the lower-ranked officers hurried out of the room. He looked at his personal iMac, the best of it's kind, and shut it's screen.

Elsewhere in the facility, havoc wrecked. People bumped into one another as they rushed to save the networks. The minutes past, and then an hour. The major networks had shut down, and all applications termitated. Then a half hour more, and at exactly 7.08 pm everyone in the facility had gathered in the atrium.
The cheif took his place at the podium, ready to announce the emergency under control, and give instructions to those in question.

"Ladies and gentlemen, firstly I would like to thank you all for your-" and he stopped, face pale.

All around them, computers turned on of their own accord. It was like a domino effect, first those in room 1, then 2, then 3. The transparent glass walls gave everyone a clear view of the events that went on inside. The cheif still stood still, white with shock. The computer screens all showed one phrase, unmistakable even from the distance.

"Downloading File Name: SYSTEM1.0"

Leiuntenent Sawyer cursed under his breath. He yelled shut it down hoarse, and all employees rushed to stop the process. This could not happen, this virus could work the computer systems of it's own accord. Something, somewhere was controlling it, but who?

New Earth, Chapter 1

The thunderstorm brought about fierce lightning from the storm clouds, and the iron-grey sky was ablaze with them. On ground, a magnificent volcano exploded and erupted red magma over the forests.

Brilliant mythical beasts of every kind sprung up from the grounds. A Phoenix crawled out of the ashes from its predecessor and took flight, with a flash of lightning illuminating its gold and red covering. Centaurs shot arrows into the hard soil, one of them piercing a stone, splitting it in two. The Griffins shot into the sky, meeting the Phoenix in mid-air and dodging to avoid it.

A Chimaera revealed itself from the greenery, and stood front its army, the largest among them, and the fiercest red, and a Minotaur stepped out of it's maze, a gargantuan axe in its hand. It raised it's black leather-gloved hand and pointed its long nail at the army, growling words audible across a mile.

"Is this all you have?" The Chimaera replied him in a determined resounding female voice.

"You have nothing,"

The Minotaur laughed a terrible laugh and watched their reactions, as an entire armada of Minotaurs stepped out of the maze.

Around the world, the skies were the darkest grey, and yellow-stone Sphinxes burst to life out of the giant pyramids of Egypt. In Paris, beautiful white groups of Pegasus and unicorns encircled the trees. Another age had begun, one where mythical creatures were the center of Mother Earth.
I'd rather you historians leave us famous people alone

Leonardo Da Vinci: Finally some time alone to do what I do best

::Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso walk into the room::

Picasso: Whats up.

Da Vinci: Painting,guess what it is

Van Gogh: Death,sadness,coming at you more terrible than before

Picasso: Looks like an iguana

Da Vinci: It's a dragon!

Picasso: Looks like bloody road-kill


Van Gogh: Shut it,both of you. I'm already disturbed and life sucks

Picasso: Go slit your wrists,emo

Van Gogh: I'm a goth!

Da Vinci: You both are gay

::Picasso pounces on Da Vinci and wrestles him to the ground,where they roll around and start fighting. Van Gogh goes to the back of the room to cry and wallow in misery where he meets one Marilyn Manson::

Marilyn Manson:Those two doing it in public now?

Van Gogh: Gay

Marilyn Manson: Nice to meet you,gay

Van Gogh: FUCK YOU

The End

Author's Friend's Note/omg.less use of vulgarities please.explicit content.

Author's Note/ Your feedback wll be taken into account. Next time,I will rate my stories R-21:)
Here's one of my Frerard fan-fictions:)
If you don't feel comfortable reading slash,or have something against homosexual people,I suggest you don't read this.

There's something I need to tell you

I stared at him wishfully. There was no other word to describe him. The flawlessness of his features,Gerard. He was perfect. And I wanted him so much for that very reason.

I tell myself,loving you is a sin. And yet I can't stop my heart from fluttering every time I meet your gaze. Every look you give me,was it love? Did you have the same fucked up fantasies I kept about you? Your voice,the breathy,sexy tone you had. Can I kiss you?

Fuck no. Did I just say that out loud? He looked at me,puzzled. Everyday,for a year,I had been struggling to keep that a secret. The movie,some retarded chick flick,was forgotten.

"Gerard,I love you"

I lowered my eyes. I wasn't going to look at him,not anymore. I felt a hand on my chin, lifting my face. Gerard stared into my eyes. Was it love this time? He pressed his lips to mine,and kissed me. Damn,he tasted good. I was completely melting into that gorgeous creature. Leaving my thoughts behind me,I kissed him back.

"I love you too,Frankie" he said,pulling me onto his lap. I stared at his entrancing eyes,the beautiful hazel orbs of his. Gerard gave me such a horny look that made my blood flow to my cheeks,noticeable even in the dim lighting. He was probable wondering how long it would take to the nearest motel.

"You want to get out of here? " I asked. Screw that movie.

"Only if I get to have my way with you afterwards.” he said,kissing me again.

I figured you were mine when the vodka bottle ran dry.

"Here lies Narcissa Von Teare, wife, mother, sister, friend-"

"Adulteress, lier, witch, and whore."

Her husband had just left the mortal world. He had drunk himself to death, such a drunkard he was, and left her a widow. She was driven mad by grief, and at the expense of her final hope of happiness ended the adulterous relationship with Andrew, the town bartender.

He thought of this , and as he thought longer his thoughts became more sinister. He resorted for a way to see her, even if it meant forcing his dearly beloved to come to the bar every day. He made her an alchoholic. It was the only way he could avoid suspicion from the townsfolk. They could not blame him, he worked there. Neither could they blame her, they thought she was there to mourn her husband.

The day she died, was a month from her husband's own death. She died in the bar itself, at the same time, and at the same spot. Disgusting really, the death. So Andrew threw her into the slaughterhouse dump, where all the dead and rotting pigs lay, with the bones of those that had been ground to make fresh meat. With them she differed in no way he thought.

And the day after, as the butcher was cleaning the rotting mess, he found the woman. The people only felt sorrier for her. Poor dear, never of a stable mind, she must have drunk so deeply and fallen into the pit, died unable to get out. They made her funeral just as her she made her husband's, red rose wreath on the mahogany coffin and all, and laid her to rest beside him.

As for Andrew, it was the first, and last relationship he had ever had with a woman. He lived to a ripe old age. It was forty years later he was cast out of the town, a pedophile. He lived for twenty more years on the town borders, kidnapping all the young boys and girls who wandered too far from home.

Their ashes he threw into the slaughterhouse meat holding room in the dead of night, poisoning the very food the people ate. Stopping only when he tripped one day, and was ground up in the machine with all the other pigs, made into the dinner they served at the bar that night, to a woman named Narcissa.
Once upon a time, in a place that was far away, further than you could imagine, there was a land with horses, rabbits, ponies, squirrels, and all animals enchanted. They had one language, and everybody understood everyone else, so all was well in the enchanted forest they lived in.

The forest was big, very big. And there were so many different trees, colours, shapes, and sizes. It was so big, and the trees were so different, that you could not spot two identical ones unless you walked for a mile from the first. But the animals wished the forest would have pretty waterfalls, and rainbows, and statues like all the other enchanted forests in the land.

And one of those animals, was the stag Theodore. He wasn't like other stags, because unlike any other stag, he was a pretty light-blue. But all the animals loved his colour, and he was famous among them. Everybody wanted his fur-care secrets because his coat was so shiny, and he was loved. He too wanted waterfalls, and rainbows, and statues. But he was different, as he knew magic, and how to cast spells.

So one day he went into the enchanted forest, and found a nice place to have a waterfall. He saw a yellowbird flying by, and as it crossed the spot, he scraped his horn on a tree, and the bird died and became a waterfall. He was happy with his work, and so were the other animals. And so, from that day the forest was called the Enchanted Forest, with the waterfall.

On the second day, he went into the the enchanted forest again, and he found that beside the waterfall, there had to be a rainbow. He saw a blackbird flying by, and as it crossed the spot, he scraped his horn on a tree, and the blackbird died, before becoming a rainbow. Theodore was happy with his work, and the other animals were too. So from that day, the forest was called the Enchanted Forest, with the waterfall and rainbow.

On the third day, he went to the forest. And he found a good place to put a statue, beside the rainbow and waterfall. Just then, a bluebird flew past. It cried at the stag's hooves, and accused Alvin of killing his brothers. Alvin did not know what to do, and he bowed his head and cried. But he did not have to think, for the bluebird could cast spells. And in the blink of an eye, there was the statue on the riverbank, beside the waterfall and the rainbow.

But the forest was not named the Enchanted Forest, with the waterfall, rainbow, and statue, because no one in the enchanted land could talk anymore. They had all become statues, and so had the bluebird, and it stood at the hooves of a pretty, stone stag. But the bluebird could cry. And blue tears would drip out of its eyes and down it's beak, until one day when humans could not imagine anymore, and the forest disappeared forever.