Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Earth, Chapter 1

The thunderstorm brought about fierce lightning from the storm clouds, and the iron-grey sky was ablaze with them. On ground, a magnificent volcano exploded and erupted red magma over the forests.

Brilliant mythical beasts of every kind sprung up from the grounds. A Phoenix crawled out of the ashes from its predecessor and took flight, with a flash of lightning illuminating its gold and red covering. Centaurs shot arrows into the hard soil, one of them piercing a stone, splitting it in two. The Griffins shot into the sky, meeting the Phoenix in mid-air and dodging to avoid it.

A Chimaera revealed itself from the greenery, and stood front its army, the largest among them, and the fiercest red, and a Minotaur stepped out of it's maze, a gargantuan axe in its hand. It raised it's black leather-gloved hand and pointed its long nail at the army, growling words audible across a mile.

"Is this all you have?" The Chimaera replied him in a determined resounding female voice.

"You have nothing,"

The Minotaur laughed a terrible laugh and watched their reactions, as an entire armada of Minotaurs stepped out of the maze.

Around the world, the skies were the darkest grey, and yellow-stone Sphinxes burst to life out of the giant pyramids of Egypt. In Paris, beautiful white groups of Pegasus and unicorns encircled the trees. Another age had begun, one where mythical creatures were the center of Mother Earth.

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