Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The covers were so warm. I rolled over to the side on the soft silk comforter and pulled the quilt up higher.

"Morning, sleepyhead." I opened my eyes to see Adam watching over me with a small smile on his face. His hair was messy and tousled, and he wore nothing but a pair of jeans. I felt him stroke the side of my face gently and he leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.

"Is it morning already?"

"No, you slept through the day. It's 5." I opened my eyes wider to get used to the sunlight, and sat upright to be the same height as him. Even half lying-down he was so tall. It was cold even though the afternoon just happened, and I held on to him for warmth. He put his arms around me and we stayed that way for about five minutes until I got out of bed. I had to move around.

I brushed my teeth as Adam prepared a warm bath for me. He even sat at the edge of the bathtub and helped me wash my hair. He was so genuinely generous and nice. I would never have thought that way about a guy who had been part of three musicals. I finally got out of the bath and rinsed myself before heading back to our room.

It was a small apartment, but we still made it work. Adam watched me get dressed. I knew he loved it when I wore his clothes so I put on one of his David Bowie T shirts and a pair of black boxers he owned. I went to the kitchen. Knowing Adam, he probably had been overdosing on Pop Tarts since morning. That man could do many things, but he knew nuts about cooking.

He came to me as I watched the water boil and hugged me around the waist.

"What do you want to do today?" he muttered into my neck. I turned around and looked into his startling blue eyes, smiling.

"I rented the entire season 2 of Gossip Girl for you."

"NO KIDDING." Knowing Adam, he loved that damn show. He was hooked on every scene, from Blair's make out session with Chuck in the limousine to Selena arguing with her mother. He kissed me on the forehead, and then my cheeks, moving down my arm and coming back to my lips. His skin tickled mine.

"Go set the DVR, I'll be right there," I said laughing, and he scooted off. I watched him excitedly go into our room and I knew in an hour, I could be there curled up under his warm chest, not really paying attention to the TV but listening instead to his slow heartbeat, something that would never change no matter what else did, and falling asleep with him by my side.

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